Sunday, July 4, 2010

A little more...

It's about time.

This is the thought that has been running through my head lately! In my entire adult work life, I have been working for someone else's bottom line. After harboring ideas of breaking out on my own for years, turning 35 has lit the fire under me needed to make major things happen.
So here I am. I am 35, and I am starting a business with my best friend, Terry! We are both renaissance women: artists, musicians, writers, bakers, who have decided to take all of the things we love to do, and try and find a way to present them to the world.

It was while on this path, that are business was born. We are Crescent Moon Bakers. At the moment, we have an online Etsy bakery. We are working hard to bring Crescent Moon to life in the real world - to create a kind of Edible Art Gallery - a cafe style bakery where you can come either buy some sweets, or take a workshop and learn how to make them. Where you can admire the art on the walls, or, in the evenings, sit in on a groups lesson and learn how to do it yourself - how to find the artist in you!

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